Source code for abbyy_to_epub3.create_epub

# Copyright 2017 Deborah Kaplan
# This file is part of Abbyy-to-epub3.
# Source code is available at <>.
# Abbyy-to-epub3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import OrderedDict
from ebooklib import epub
from ebooklib import utils as ebooklib_utils
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from numeral import roman2int
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from zipfile import BadZipFile, ZipFile

import configparser
import gzip
import logging
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile

from abbyy_to_epub3 import __version__
from abbyy_to_epub3.constants import skippable_pages
from abbyy_to_epub3.parse_abbyy import AbbyyParser
from abbyy_to_epub3.image_processing import factory as ImageFactory
from abbyy_to_epub3.parse_scandata import ScandataParser
from abbyy_to_epub3.utils import dirtify_xml, is_increasing
from abbyy_to_epub3.verify_epub import EpubVerify

# Set up configuration
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configfile = resource_filename("abbyy_to_epub3", "config.ini")


[docs]class ArchiveBookItem(object): """ is a website which contains an archive of items composed of archived digital content. items are distributed across a cluster of machines called datanodes. In order to access the files of an item, you need to know 4 things: a) The `item_identifier` (the unique ID of this item) e.g.{item_identifier} b) the datanode server address which hosts this item c) the `item_dir` which is the file path on this datanode where this items files are kept d) the name of the files within this `item_dir` Certain items are specifically structured (file organizations, contents, names) to store and play Books. Every Archive Book Item contains the following files: - a containing all the scanned images of the book - an abbyy file containing the OCR'd plaintest of these scans - scandata.xml whose metadata describes the structure of the book (metadata, pages numbers) - meta.xml which describes the entire *item* A complication is that Book Items may contain 1 or more books. In order to accommodate this subtlety and delineate between books, an `item_dir` and `item_identifier` are not sufficient to isolate a specific book. To circumvent this limitation, we require another identifier called the `item_bookpath` which acts as a prefix to the files of a specific book. Given a datanode and an `item_dir` of an Archive Book Item, all the constituent files for a book can be constructed using `item_identifier` and `item_bookpath` in the following ways: - There is a single global metadata manifest file for the entire Archive Item named `{item_identifier}_meta.xml`. - All of the other book specific files follow the form `{item_bookpath}_{file}`. e.g. `{item_bookpath}_abbyy.gz` """ def __init__(self, item_dir, item_identifier, item_bookpath): self.item_dir = item_dir self.item_identifier = item_identifier self.item_bookpath = item_bookpath # Guarantee all input file exist # These members will be set as self.`name`_`ext`, e.g. self.meta_xml input_files = [ # prefix, name, ext (item_identifier, 'meta', 'xml'), (item_bookpath, 'abbyy', 'gz'), (item_bookpath, 'scandata', 'xml'), (item_bookpath, 'jp2', 'zip')] for (subdir, name, ext) in input_files: dependency = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(item_dir, '%s_%s.%s' % (subdir, name, ext))) if not os.path.exists(dependency): self.logger.debug( "Invalid path to %s.%s: %s" % (name, ext, dependency) ) if name == "scandata": sys.exit(ERR_MISSING_SCANDATA) raise OSError( "Invalid path to %s.%s: %s" % (name, ext, dependency) ) setattr(self, '%s_%s' % (name, ext), dependency)
[docs]class Ebook(ArchiveBookItem): """ Ebook is a utility for generating epub3 files based on items. Holds extracted information about a book & the ebooklib EPUB object. """ DEFAULT_EPUBCHECK_LEVEL = 'warning' DEFAULT_ACE_LEVEL = 'minor' def __init__( self, item_dir, item_identifier, item_bookpath, debug=False, epubcheck=None, ace=None, ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if debug: self.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Initialize all the book's variables cleanly self.debug = debug self.epubcheck = epubcheck or ( # If no epubcheck specified and we're in debug mode, run # --epubcheck warning self.DEFAULT_EPUBCHECK_LEVEL if self.debug else None) self.ace = ace or ( # If no ace specified and we're in debug mode, run # --ace minor self.DEFAULT_ACE_LEVEL if self.debug else None) self.metadata = {} # the book's metadata self.blocks = [] # all <blocks> with contents, attributes self.paragraphs = {} # paragraph style info self.tmpdir = '' # stores converted images & extracted zip files self.abbyy_file = '' # the ABBYY XML file self.chapters = [] # holds each of the chapter (EpubHtml) objects self.progression = '' # page direction self.firsts = {} # all first lines per-page self.lasts = {} # all last lines per-page self.pages = OrderedDict() # page-by-page information from scandata self.chapter_no = 0 # current number of identified chapters # are there headers, footers, or page numbers? self.headers_present = False self.pagenums_found = False self.rpagenums_found = False self.table = False self.table_row = False self.table_cell = False = epub.EpubBook() # the book itself # ebooklib.epub doesn't clean up cleanly without reset, # causing problems on consecutive runs self.verifier = EpubVerify(self.debug) # Choose the image processing library try: ["kdu_compress", "-v"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True ) self.image_processor = "kakadu" except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: self.image_processor = "pillow" self.logger.debug("Image processing with {}.".format(self.image_processor)) super(Ebook, self).__init__(item_dir, item_identifier, item_bookpath)
[docs] def load_scandata_pages(self): """ Parse the page-by-page scandata file. This stores page size, right or left leaf, and page type (eg copyright, color card, etc). """ parser = ScandataParser( self.scandata_xml, self.pages, debug=self.debug, ) parser.parse_scandata()
[docs] def create_accessibility_metadata(self): """ Set up accessibility metadata """ ALT_TEXT_PRESENT = config.getboolean('Main', 'ALT_TEXT_PRESENT') IMAGES_PRESENT = config.getboolean('Main', 'IMAGES_PRESENT') OCR_GENERATED = config.getboolean('Main', 'OCR_GENERATED') TEXT_PRESENT = config.getboolean('Main', 'TEXT_PRESENT') summary = '' modes = [] modes_sufficient = [] features = ['printPageNumbers', 'tableOfContents', ] if OCR_GENERATED: summary += ( 'The publication was generated using automated character ' 'recognition, therefore it may not be an accurate rendition ' 'of the original text, and it may not offer the correct ' 'reading sequence.' ) if IMAGES_PRESENT: modes.append('visual') if ALT_TEXT_PRESENT: features.append('alternativeText') else: summary += ( 'This publication is missing meaningful alternative text.' ) if TEXT_PRESENT: modes.append('textual') if IMAGES_PRESENT: modes_sufficient.append('textual,visual') if ALT_TEXT_PRESENT: modes_sufficient.append('textual') else: modes_sufficient.append('textual') elif IMAGES_PRESENT and ALT_TEXT_PRESENT: modes_sufficient.append('textual,visual') modes_sufficient.append('visual') elif IMAGES_PRESENT: modes_sufficient.append('visual') if OCR_GENERATED: # these states will be true for any static content, which we know # is guaranteed for OCR generated texts. hazards = [ 'noFlashingHazard', 'noMotionSimulationHazard', 'noSoundHazard', ] controls = [ 'fullKeyboardControl', 'fullMouseControl', 'fullSwitchControl', 'fullTouchControl', 'fullVoiceControl', ] if summary: summary += 'The publication otherwise meets WCAG 2.0 Level A.' else: summary = 'The publication meets WCAG 2.0 Level A.' # Add the metadata to the publication None, 'meta', summary, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessibilitySummary')]) ) for feature in features: None, 'meta', feature, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessibilityFeature')]) ) for mode in modes: None, 'meta', mode, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessMode')]) ) for mode_sufficient in modes_sufficient: None, 'meta', mode_sufficient, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessModeSufficient')]) ) if hazards: for hazard in hazards: None, 'meta', hazard, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessibilityHazard')]) ) if controls: for control in controls: None, 'meta', control, OrderedDict([('property', 'schema:accessibilityControl')]) )
[docs] def extract_images(self): """ Extracts all of the images for the text. For efficiency's sake, do these all at once. Memory & CPU will be at a higher premium than disk space, so unzip the entire scan file into temp directory, instead of extracting only the needed images. """ # extract jp2 images into tmpdir try: with ZipFile(self.jp2_zip) as f: f.extractall(self.tmpdir) except BadZipFile as e: self.logger.error( "extraction problem with {}".format(self.jp2_zip) ) raise BadZipFile
[docs] def images_are_extracted(self): if '.zip' not in self.jp2_zip: raise ValueError('jp2 dir misconfiguration: not a .zip') extracted_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, os.path.basename(self.jp2_zip))) self.logger.debug(extracted_dir) return os.path.exists(extracted_dir)
[docs] def get_cover_leaf(self): """ Try to find a cover image. If nothing is tagged as 'Cover', use the first page tagged 'Title'. If nothing is tagged as 'Title', either, use the first page tagged 'Normal'. Self.pages is an OrderedDict so break as soon as you find something useful, and don't search the whole set of pages. """ pages_iter = iter(self.pages) for p in pages_iter: if self.pages[p] == 'cover': cover_leaf = p break elif self.pages[p] == 'title': cover_leaf = p break elif self.pages[p] == 'normal': cover_leaf = p break try: return cover_leaf except NameError: e = "No pages in scandata marked as Cover, Title, or Normal" self.logger.error(e) raise RuntimeError(e)
[docs] def extract_cover(self): """ """ if not self.images_are_extracted(): raise RuntimeError( 'extract_covers cannot be run before extract_images' ) # pad out the filename to four digits cover_jp2 = "{tmp}/{item_bookpath}_jp2/{item_bookpath}_{num:0>4}.jp2".format( tmp=self.tmpdir, item_bookpath=self.item_bookpath, num=self.get_cover_leaf()) cover_png = '{}/cover.png'.format(self.tmpdir) self.logger.debug("jp2: %s & png: %s" % ( cover_jp2, cover_png)) # convert the JP2K file into a usable format for the cover imageobj = ImageFactory(self.image_processor) try: imageobj.crop_image( cover_jp2, cover_png, resize=(800, 1200) ) except RuntimeError as e: # for failed image creation, keep processing the epub self.logger.error(e) 'images/cover.png', open(cover_png, 'rb').read()) cover =[-1] self.logger.debug(cover) cover.add_link( href='style/style.css', rel='stylesheet', type='text/css')
[docs] def image_dim(self, block): """ Given a dict object containing the block info for an image, generate a tuple of its dimensions: (left, top, right, bottom) """ left = int(block['style']['l']) top = int(block['style']['t']) right = int(block['style']['r']) bottom = int(block['style']['b']) return (left, top, right, bottom)
[docs] def make_image(self, block): """ Given a dict object containing the block info for an image, generate the image HTML """ page_no = block['page_no'] if page_no == 0: # The first page's image is made into the cover automatically return # pad out the filename to four digits origfile = '{dir}/{item_bookpath}_jp2/{item_bookpath}_{page:0>4}.jp2'.format( dir=self.tmpdir, item_bookpath=self.item_bookpath, page=page_no ) if not os.path.isfile(origfile): return basefile = 'img_{:0>4}.png'.format(self.picnum) outfile = '{}/{}'.format(self.tmpdir, basefile) in_epub_imagefile = 'images/{}'.format(basefile) # get image dimensions from ABBYY block attributes # (left, top, right, bottom) box = self.image_dim(block) width = box[2] - box[0] height = box[3] - box[1] # some image processors also need the original page dimensions pagewidth = float(block['style']['pagewidth']) pageheight = float(block['style']['pageheight']) pagedim = (pagewidth, pageheight) # ignore if this image is entirely encapsulated in another image for each_pic in self.metadata['pics_by_page']: # Ignore if this is just the block itself if each_pic == block: continue new_box = self.image_dim(each_pic) if all(i >= j for i, j in zip(box, new_box)): return # make the image: imageobj = ImageFactory(self.image_processor) try: imageobj.crop_image(origfile, outfile, dim=box, pagedim=pagedim) except RuntimeError as e: # for failed image creation, keep processing the epub self.logger.error(e) return '' epubimage = epub.EpubImage() epubimage.file_name = in_epub_imagefile with open(outfile, 'rb') as f: epubimage.content = epubimage = # to approximate original layout, set the image container width to # percentage of the page width container_w = (width / pagewidth) * 100 content = u''' <div style="width: {c_w}%;"> <img src="{src}" alt="Picture #{picnum}"> </div> '''.format( c_w=container_w, src=in_epub_imagefile, picnum=self.picnum, w=width, h=height,) # increment the image number self.picnum += 1 return content
[docs] def make_chapter(self, heading): """ Create a chapter section in an ebooklib.epub. """ # If we haven't passed a heading, just use the inferred chapter number # which won't correspond to the original's chapters. if not heading: heading = "Chapter {}".format(self.chapter_no) # If the previous chapter's content is empty, merge the two # Use the first chapter's chapter name and number, which are # likely to have been set by scandata and not OCR'd text. if self.chapters and self.chapters[-1].content == u'': chapter = self.chapters[-1] chapter.content = u'<h2>{}</h2>'.format(heading) else: # Increment the chapter number before creating a new one self.chapter_no += 1 # The epub library escapes the XML itself chapter = epub.EpubHtml( title=dirtify_xml(heading).replace("\n", " "), direction=self.progression, # pad out the filename to four digits file_name='chap_{:0>4}.xhtml'.format(self.chapter_no), lang='{}'.format(self.metadata['language'][0]) ) chapter.content = u'' chapter.add_link( href='style/style.css', rel='stylesheet', type='text/css' ) self.chapters.append(chapter) return chapter
[docs] def identify_headers_footers_pagenos(self, placement): """ Attempts to identify the presence of headers, footers, or page numbers 1. Build a dict of first & last lines, indexed by page number. 2. Try to identify headers and footers. Headers and footers can appear on every page, or on alternating pages (for example if one page has header of the title, the facing page might have the header of the chapter name). They may include a page number, or the page number might be a standalone header or footer. The presence of headers and footers in the document does not mean they appear on every page (for example, chapter openings or illustrated pages sometimes don't contain the header/footer, or contain a modified version, such as a standalone page number). Page numbers may be in Arabic or Roman numerals. This method does not attempt to look for all edge cases. For example, it will not find: - constantly varied headers, as in a dictionary - page numbers that don't steadily increase - page numbers misidentified in the OCR process, eg. IO2 for 102 - page numbers with characters around them, eg. '~ 45 ~' """ # running this on first lines or last lines? if placement == 'first': mylines = self.firsts else: mylines = self.lasts self.logger.debug("Looking for headers/footers: {}".format(placement)) # Look for standalone strings of digits digits = re.compile(r'^\d+$') romans = re.compile(r'^[xicmlvd]+$') candidate_digits = [] candidate_romans = [] for block in self.blocks: if placement in block: line = block['text'] ourpageno = block['page_no'] mylines[ourpageno] = {'text': block['text']} pageno = rpageno =, re.IGNORECASE) if rpageno: # Is this a roman numeral? try: # The numeral.roman2int method is very permissive # for archaic numeral forms, which is good. num = roman2int(line) except ValueError: # not a roman numeral pass mylines[ourpageno]['ocr_roman'] = placement candidate_romans.append(num) elif pageno: mylines[ourpageno]['ocr_digits'] = placement candidate_digits.append(int(line)) # The algorithms to find false positives in page number candidates # are resource intensive, so this excludes anything where the candidate # numbers aren't monotonically increasing. if candidate_digits and is_increasing(candidate_digits): self.pagenums_found = True self.logger.debug("Page #s found: {}".format(candidate_digits)) if candidate_romans and is_increasing(candidate_romans): self.rpagenums_found = True self.logger.debug("Roman #s found: {}".format(candidate_romans)) # identify match ratio fuzz_consecutive = 0 fuzz_alternating = 0 for k, v in mylines.items(): # Check to see if there's still one page forward if k + 1 in mylines: ratio_consecutive = fuzz.ratio( v['text'], mylines[k + 1]['text'] ) mylines[k]['ratio_consecutive'] = ratio_consecutive fuzz_consecutive += ratio_consecutive # Check to see if there's still two pages forward if k + 2 in mylines: ratio_alternating = fuzz.ratio( v['text'], mylines[k + 2]['text'] ) mylines[k]['ratio_alternating'] = ratio_alternating fuzz_alternating += ratio_alternating # occasional similar first/last lines might happen in all texts, # so only identify headers & footers if there are many of them HEADERS_PRESENT_THRESHOLD = int( config.get('Main', 'HEADERS_PRESENT_THRESHOLD') ) if len(mylines) > 2: average_consecutive = fuzz_consecutive / (len(mylines) - 1) average_alternating = fuzz_alternating / (len(mylines) - 2) self.logger.debug("{}: consecutive fuzz avg.: {}".format( placement, average_consecutive )) self.logger.debug("{}: alternating fuzz avg.: {}".format( placement, average_alternating )) if average_consecutive > HEADERS_PRESENT_THRESHOLD: if placement == 'first': self.headers_present = 'consecutive' else: self.footers_present = 'consecutive' self.logger.debug( "{} repeated, consecutive pages".format(placement) ) elif average_alternating > HEADERS_PRESENT_THRESHOLD: if placement == 'first': self.headers_present = 'alternating' else: self.footers_present = 'alternating' self.logger.debug( "{} repeated, alternating pages".format(placement) )
[docs] def set_metadata(self): """ Set the metadata on the epub object """['identifier'][0]) for language in self.metadata['language']: for title in self.metadata['title']: if 'creator' in self.metadata: creator_uid = 'creator' for i, creator in enumerate(self.metadata['creator']):, uid=creator_uid) creator_uid = 'creator_{creator_uid}'.format(creator_uid=i) if 'description' in self.metadata: for description in self.metadata['description']:'DC', 'description', description) if 'publisher' in self.metadata: for publisher in self.metadata['publisher']:'DC', 'publisher', publisher) if 'identifier-access' in self.metadata: for identifier_access in self.metadata['identifier-access']: 'DC', 'identifier', 'Access URL: {}'.format( identifier_access ) ) if 'identifier-ark' in self.metadata: for identifier_ark in self.metadata['identifier-ark']: 'DC', 'identifier', 'urn:ark:{}'.format(identifier_ark) ) if 'isbn' in self.metadata: for isbn in self.metadata['isbn']: 'DC', 'identifier', 'urn:isbn:{}'.format(isbn) ) if 'oclc-id' in self.metadata: for oclc_id in self.metadata['oclc-id']: 'DC', 'identifier', 'urn:oclc:{}'.format(oclc_id) ) if 'external-identifier' in self.metadata: for external_identifier in self.metadata['external-identifier']:'DC', 'identifier', external_identifier) if 'related-external-id' in self.metadata: for related_external_id in self.metadata['related-external-id']:'DC', 'identifier', related_external_id) if 'subject' in self.metadata: for subject in self.metadata['subject']:'DC', 'subject', subject) if 'date' in self.metadata: for date in self.metadata['date']:'DC', 'date', date)
[docs] def craft_html(self): """ Assembles the XHTML content. Create some minimal navigation: * Break sections at text elements marked role: heading * Break files at any headings with roleLevel: 1 Imperfect, but better than having no navigation or monster files. Images will get alternative text of "Picture #" followed by an index number for this image. Barring real alternative text for true accessibility, this at least adds some identifying information. """ # Default section to hold cover image plus all until the 1st heading if 'title' in self.metadata: heading = self.metadata['title'][0] else: heading = "Opening Section" self.picnum = 1 blocks_index = -1 self.last_row = False pagetype = '' prev_pagetype = '' # Look for headers and page numbers # FR10 has markup but isn't reliable so look there as well self.identify_headers_footers_pagenos('first') self.identify_headers_footers_pagenos('last') self.last_row = False self.last_cell = False # Make the initial chapter stub chapter = self.make_chapter(heading) endnotes = '<ul>' noteref = 1 # Make a title page chapter.content += u'<h1 dir="ltr" class="center">{}</h1>'.format( heading ) if 'title-alt-script' in self.metadata: for i in self.metadata['title-alt-script']: chapter.content += ( u'<p dir="auto" class="center bold big">{}</p>' ).format(i) if 'creator' in self.metadata: for i in self.metadata['creator']: chapter.content += ( u'<p dir="ltr" class="center bold">{}</p>' ).format(i) if 'creator-alt-script' in self.metadata: for i in self.metadata['creator-alt-script']: chapter.content += ( u'<p dir="auto" class="center bold">{}</p>' ).format(i) chapter.content += ( '<div class="offset">' '<p dir="ltr">This book was produced in EPUB format by the ' 'Internet Archive.</p> ' '<p dir="ltr">The book pages were scanned and converted to EPUB ' 'format automatically. This process relies on optical character ' 'recognition, and is somewhat susceptible to errors. The book may ' 'not offer the correct reading sequence, and there may be ' 'weird characters, non-words, and incorrect guesses at ' 'structure. Some page numbers and headers or footers may remain ' 'from the scanned page. The process which identifies images might ' 'have found stray marks on the page which are not actually images ' 'from the book. The hidden page numbering which may be available ' 'to your ereader corresponds to the numbered pages in the print ' 'edition, but is not an exact match; page numbers will increment ' 'at the same rate as the corresponding print edition, but we may ' 'have started numbering before the print book\'s visible page ' 'numbers. The Internet Archive is working to improve the ' 'scanning process and resulting books, but in the meantime, we ' 'hope that this book will be useful to you.</p> ' '<p dir="ltr">The Internet Archive was founded in 1996 to build ' 'an Internet library and to promote universal access to all ' 'knowledge. The Archive\'s purposes include offering permanent ' 'access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with ' 'disabilities, and ' 'the general public to historical ' 'collections that exist in digital format. The Internet Archive ' 'includes texts, audio, moving images, ' 'and software as well as archived web pages, and provides ' 'specialized services for information access for the blind and ' 'other persons with disabilities.</p>' '<p>Created with abbyy2epub (v.%s)</p></div>' ) % __version__ for block in self.blocks: blocks_index += 1 # Skip pages that we don't want to include if 'type' not in block: continue # Get the pageType from scandata if ( 'page_no' in block and block['page_no'] in self.pages ): prev_pagetype = pagetype pagetype = self.pages[block['page_no']] else: # Treat it as Normal if it's not set pagetype = 'Normal' if pagetype in skippable_pages: continue # set the block style, if there is one if ( 'style' in block and 'fontstyle' in block['style'] ): fclass = '' fontstyle = block['style']['fontstyle'] fsize = fontstyle['fs'] if 'italic' in fontstyle: fclass += 'italic ' if 'bold' in fontstyle: fclass += 'bold ' if 'Serif' in fontstyle['ff'] or 'Times' in fontstyle['ff']: fclass += 'serif ' elif 'Sans' in fontstyle['ff']: fclass += 'sans ' fstyling = ( 'class="{fclass}" style="font-size: {fsize}pt"' ).format( fclass=fclass, fsize=fsize, ) else: fstyling = '' # Make chapters for certain page types, for accessible navigation pagetypes = { 'contents': 'Table of Contents', 'contributions': 'Contributions', 'copyright': 'Copyright Page', 'glossary': 'Glossary', 'index': 'Index', 'introduction': 'Introduction', 'preface': 'Preface', 'reference': 'Reference', 'title': 'Title Page', } if (pagetype in pagetypes and pagetype != prev_pagetype): chapter = self.make_chapter(pagetypes[pagetype]) if block['type'] == 'Text': text = block['text'] role = block['role'] # This is the first text element on the page if 'first' in block: # Look for headers and page numbers if self.is_header_footer(block, 'first'): self.logger.debug("Stripping header {}".format(text)) continue # Look for footers and page numbers if ( 'last' in block and self.is_header_footer(block, 'last') ): self.logger.debug("Stripping footer {}".format(text)) continue if role == 'footnote': # Footnote. Our ABBYY markup doesn't indicate references, # so fake them, right above the bottom of the page so # they'll be reachable by all adaptive tech & user agents. # Place as endnotes to improve cross-ereader reachability. chapter.content += ( u'<p class="small">' u'<a epub:type="noteref" href="#n{page}_{ref}">' u'Note {ref}</a></p>' ).format( page=block['page_no'], ref=noteref, ) # must use now deprecated "rearnote" instead of "endnote" # for now; endnote support is limited. Change when more # readers support endnote. endnotes += ( u'<li><aside epub:type="rearnote" id="n{page}_{ref}">' u'{text}</aside></li>' ).format( page=block['page_no'], ref=noteref, text=text, ) noteref += 1 elif role == 'tableCaption': # It would be ideal to mark up table captions as <caption> # within the associated table. However, the ABBYY markup # doesn't have a way to associate the caption with the # specific table, and there's no way of knowing if the # caption is for a table immediately following or # immediately prior. Add a little styling to make it more # obvious, and some accessibility helpers. chapter.content += ( u'<p {style}><span class="sr-only">' u'Table caption</span>{text}</p>' ).format( style=fstyling, text=text, ) elif role == 'heading': if int(block['heading']) > 1: # Heading >1. Format as heading # but don't make new chapter. chapter.content += u'<h{lev}>{text}</h{lev}>'.format( lev=block['heading'], text=text ) else: # attach any endnotes to the chapter. if noteref > 1: chapter.content += '<hr /><h2>Chapter Notes</h2>' chapter.content += endnotes chapter.content += '</ol>' noteref = 1 endnotes = '<ol>' # Heading 1. Begin the new chapter chapter = self.make_chapter(text) chapter.content = u'<h{lev}>{text}</h{lev}>'.format( lev=block['heading'], text=text ) else: # Regular or other text block. Add its heading to the # chapter content. In theory a table of contents could get # parsed for page numbers and turned into a hyperlinked # nav toc pointing to page elements, but relying on headers # is probably more reliable. chapter.content += u'<p {style}>{text}</p>'.format( style=fstyling, text=text, ) elif block['type'] == 'Page': # Nest this conditional; we don't want to short circuit if no # pages_support. Check to make sure we're not just repeating # page breaks if the interstital content was omitted. if ( self.metadata['PAGES_SUPPORT'] and not chapter.content.endswith('epub:type="pagebreak"/>') ): chapter.content += ebooklib_utils.create_pagebreak( str(block['text']) ) elif ( block['type'] == 'Picture' and pagetype != 'Cover' ): # Image content = self.make_image(block) if content: chapter.content += content elif ( block['type'] == 'Separator' or block['type'] == 'SeparatorsBox' ): # Separator blocks seem to be fairly randomly applied and don't # correspond to anything useful in the original content pass elif block['type'] == 'Table': chapter.content += u'<table>' elif block['type'] == 'TableRow': chapter.content += u'<tr>' if 'last_table_elem' in block: self.last_row = True elif block['type'] == 'TableCell': chapter.content += u'<td>' if 'last_table_elem' in block: self.last_cell = True elif block['type'] == 'TableText': chapter.content += u'<p {style}>{text}</p>'.format( style=fstyling, text=block['text'], ) if 'last_table_elem' in block: chapter.content += u'</td>' if self.last_cell: chapter.content + u'</tr>' self.last_cell = False if self.last_row: chapter.content += u'</table>' self.last_row = False else: self.logger.debug( "Ignoring Block:\n Type: {}\n Attribs: {}".format( block['type'], block['style'] ) )
[docs] def craft_epub(self, epub_outfile="out.epub", tmpdir=None): """ Assemble the extracted metadata & text into an EPUB """ # Even if we clean up properly afterwards, using TemporaryDirectory # outside of a context manager seems to cause a resource leak if tmpdir: tmpdir = os.path.abspath(tmpdir) os.makedirs(tmpdir, exist_ok=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=tmpdir) as self.tmpdir: self.abbyy_file = "{tmp}/{base}_abbyy".format( tmp=self.tmpdir, base=self.item_identifier ) self.logger.debug("Temp directory: {}\nidentifier: {}".format( self.tmpdir, self.item_identifier)) # Unzip ABBYY file to disk. (Might be too huge to hold in memory.) with, 'rb') as infile: with open(self.abbyy_file, 'wb') as outfile: self.logger.debug( "Abbyy tmp dir: {}".format(self.abbyy_file) ) for line in infile: outfile.write(line) # read in the page-by-page scandata file self.load_scandata_pages() # Extract the page images and create the cover file self.extract_images() self.extract_cover() # parse the ABBYY parser = AbbyyParser( self.abbyy_file, self.meta_xml, self.metadata, self.paragraphs, self.blocks, debug=self.debug, ) parser.parse_abbyy() self.logger.debug("Done with parse_abbyy") # Text direction: convert IA abbreviation to epub abbreviation direction = { 'lr': 'ltr', 'rl': 'rtl', } if 'page-progression' in self.metadata: self.progression = direction[ self.metadata['page-progression'][0] ] else: # The epub, used in the spine, uses 'default' for unspecified # direction. HTML, used in the content pages, uses 'auto'. self.progression = 'auto''default') # get the finereader version if 'fr-version' in self.metadata: self.version = self.metadata['fr-version'] # make the HTML chapters self.logger.debug("craft_html") self.craft_html() self.logger.debug("Done assembling the HTML") # Set the book's metadata self.set_metadata() # set the accessibility metadata self.create_accessibility_metadata() # Navigation for EPUB 3 & EPUB 2 fallback = self.chapters # cover_ncx hack to work around Adobe Digital Editions problem = ['cover', 'nav', ] + self.chapters # define CSS style style = """ .center {text-align: center} .sr-only { width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0,0,0,0); border: 0; } .strong {font-weight: bold;} .italic {font-style: italic;} .serif {font-family: serif;} .sans {font-family: sans-serif;} .big {font-size: 1.5em;} .small {font-size: .75em;} .offset { margin: 1em; padding: 1.5em; border: black 1px solid; } img { padding: 0; margin: 0; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; column-count: 1; break-inside: avoid; oeb-column-number: 1; } """ css_file = epub.EpubItem( uid="style_nav", file_name="style/style.css", media_type="text/css", content=style ) if epub_outfile.endswith('.epub'): epub_outfile = epub_outfile else: epub_outfile = '%s.epub' % epub_outfile epub.write_epub(epub_outfile,, {}) # run validation on epub if self.debug or self.epubcheck: self.validate_epub(epub_outfile, level=self.epubcheck) if self.debug or self.ace: self.validate_a11y(epub_outfile, level=self.ace)
[docs] def validate_epub(self, epub_file, level=None): self.logger.debug("Running EpubCheck on {}".format(epub_file)) LEVELS = ['warning', 'error', 'fatal'] level = level.lower() or self.DEFAULT_EPUBCHECK_LEVEL try: desired_levels = LEVELS[LEVELS.index(level):] except ValueError: self.logger.error( "Invalid --epubcheck level: `%s`.\n" "Falling back to default: `%s`" % ( level, self.DEFAULT_EPUBCHECK_LEVEL)) desired_levels = LEVELS result = self.verifier.run_epubcheck(epub_file) errors = [err for err in result.messages if # only keep desired_levels err.level.lower() in desired_levels] if errors: raise RuntimeError(errors)
[docs] def validate_a11y(self, epub_file, level=None): """ Individual test failures are logged in EARL syntax Structurally: "assertions": [ { "@type": "earl:assertion", "earl:result": { "earl:outcome": "fail" }, "assertions": [ { "@type": "earl:assertion", "earl:result": { "earl:outcome": "fail", "html": "[The invalid HTML]" }, "earl:test": { "earl:impact": "serious", "help": { "dct:description": "[Plain language error]" }, } } ], "earl:testSubject": { "url": "cover.xhtml", }, }, ] """ self.logger.debug("Running DAISY Ace on {}".format(epub_file)) LEVELS = ['minor', 'moderate', 'serious', 'critical'] level = level.lower() or self.DEFAULT_ACE_LEVEL try: desired_levels = LEVELS[LEVELS.index(level):] except ValueError: self.logger.error( "Invalid --ace level: `%s`.\n" "Falling back to default: `%s`" % ( level, self.DEFAULT_ACE_LEVEL)) desired_levels = LEVELS result, error = self.verifier.run_ace(epub_file, self.tmpdir) # Build a list of errors, with the most important fields errors = list() if 'assertions' in result: for assertion in result['assertions']: if ( assertion['@type'] == "earl:assertion" and assertion['earl:result']['earl:outcome'] == "fail" ): test_subject = assertion['earl:testSubject']['url'] for each in assertion['assertions']: err_level = each['earl:test']['earl:impact'] if err_level.lower() in desired_levels: each['earl:testSubject'] = test_subject errors.append(each) if errors: raise RuntimeError(errors)